Warning: Use of undefined constant BE_USER_LOGGED_IN - assumed 'BE_USER_LOGGED_IN' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in system/modules/core/models/PageModel.php on line 335
#0 system/modules/core/models/PageModel.php(335): __error(2, 'Use of undefine...', '/www/htdocs/w01...', 335, Array)
#1 system/modules/cookiebar/classes/CookieBar.php(102): Contao\PageModel::findFirstPublishedRootByHostAndLanguage('revolyzer.com', 'en')
#2 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(384): Contao\CookieBar->modifyCacheKey('revolyzer.com/k...')
#3 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(28): Contao\FrontendIndex->outputFromCache()
#4 index.php(19): Contao\FrontendIndex->__construct()
#5 {main}

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0112b24/contao_3-5_revolyzer/system/helper/functions.php:65) in system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php on line 507
#0 [internal function]: __error(2, 'Cannot modify h...', '/www/htdocs/w01...', 507, Array)
#1 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(507): header('HTTP/1.1 200 Ok')
#2 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(28): Contao\FrontendIndex->outputFromCache()
#3 index.php(19): Contao\FrontendIndex->__construct()
#4 {main}

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0112b24/contao_3-5_revolyzer/system/helper/functions.php:65) in system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php on line 510
#0 [internal function]: __error(2, 'Cannot modify h...', '/www/htdocs/w01...', 510, Array)
#1 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(510): header('Vary: User-Agen...', false)
#2 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(28): Contao\FrontendIndex->outputFromCache()
#3 index.php(19): Contao\FrontendIndex->__construct()
#4 {main}

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0112b24/contao_3-5_revolyzer/system/helper/functions.php:65) in system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php on line 511
#0 [internal function]: __error(2, 'Cannot modify h...', '/www/htdocs/w01...', 511, Array)
#1 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(511): header('Content-Type: t...')
#2 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(28): Contao\FrontendIndex->outputFromCache()
#3 index.php(19): Contao\FrontendIndex->__construct()
#4 {main}

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0112b24/contao_3-5_revolyzer/system/helper/functions.php:65) in system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php on line 523
#0 [internal function]: __error(2, 'Cannot modify h...', '/www/htdocs/w01...', 523, Array)
#1 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(523): header('Cache-Control: ...')
#2 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(28): Contao\FrontendIndex->outputFromCache()
#3 index.php(19): Contao\FrontendIndex->__construct()
#4 {main}

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0112b24/contao_3-5_revolyzer/system/helper/functions.php:65) in system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php on line 524
#0 [internal function]: __error(2, 'Cannot modify h...', '/www/htdocs/w01...', 524, Array)
#1 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(524): header('Pragma: no-cach...')
#2 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(28): Contao\FrontendIndex->outputFromCache()
#3 index.php(19): Contao\FrontendIndex->__construct()
#4 {main}

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0112b24/contao_3-5_revolyzer/system/helper/functions.php:65) in system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php on line 525
#0 [internal function]: __error(2, 'Cannot modify h...', '/www/htdocs/w01...', 525, Array)
#1 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(525): header('Last-Modified: ...')
#2 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(28): Contao\FrontendIndex->outputFromCache()
#3 index.php(19): Contao\FrontendIndex->__construct()
#4 {main}

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0112b24/contao_3-5_revolyzer/system/helper/functions.php:65) in system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php on line 526
#0 [internal function]: __error(2, 'Cannot modify h...', '/www/htdocs/w01...', 526, Array)
#1 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(526): header('Expires: Fri, 0...')
#2 system/modules/core/controllers/FrontendIndex.php(28): Contao\FrontendIndex->outputFromCache()
#3 index.php(19): Contao\FrontendIndex->__construct()
#4 {main}
Key features

The Revolyzer Story

The first study involving voluntary wheel running was published in 1898. More than one century later in 2007 preclinics put its first own activity wheel system into operation. After years of proving and permanent evolution in more than 200 voluntary wheel running studies it is offered to researchers outside our lab under the brand name REVOLYZER® (REVOlution anaLYZER). The REVOLYZER® is the world's first automated rack-mounted voluntary running  measurement system.

Key features

User Friendly

Analyzing equipment is located entirely outside the cages. The exchange of running wheel and cage is done within seconds. Running wheels are easily cleaned. A panel-PC with large touch screen displays data and settings. Data output format is compatible with standard data analyzing software.


The standard REVOLYZER model features high capacity – 48 cages with running wheels in one system.

Animal-Welfare Dedicated

Early detection of pain, suffering, distress or harm provided by voluntary wheel running analysis is of great advantage for both, the animal and the researcher. Measuring voluntary running is more precise and sensitive than a scoring system where you estimate subjectively the well-being of the mouse. This also leads to shorter study periods by earlier endpoints.


The rack is made of stainless steel. With the exception of running wheels and cages it runs without maintenance.


Since our REVOLYZER is individually manufactured, our customer's demands and requirements are easily implemented.


The system features a high recording rate – no revolution is missed. A variety of interesting parameters, i.e. speed or inactivity may be recorded besides the total running activity. Precision ball bearings and magnetic brake ensure constant running conditions.